Ameren Outage Alerts

At Ameren, we're continuously looking for ways to improve your customer experience. As part of this effort, we offer Outage Alerts to proactively notify you about a possible outage at your home or business.

Automated Phone Calls

In the event of a power outage near your home or business, you will receive an automated call from Ameren to notify you of the outage. Throughout the outage event, we will send you timely updates about estimated restoration times, the cause of the outage, as well as a confirmation when power is restored.

For these automated calls, we use the phone number associated with your account. Please log in to check that your contact information is up-to-date.

Enroll in Text or Email Alerts

If you prefer to receive text or email notifications during an outage, simply enroll in Outage Alerts and customize your contact method. Take a moment now and log in to your Account Dashboard to enroll in Outage Alerts.

Don't have an online account? Create one today!

Alert Info