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ESG Performance Data

A common phrase in sustainability is that you can’t manage what you don’t measure. At Ameren, we collect and use our environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance data to measure our progress, identify any issues and set targets for continuous improvement. We also report that ESG performance data on a regular basis to inform our stakeholders how we are tracking on our sustainability commitments.

Ameren uses a number of tools, audits and processes, including an Environmental Management System, to enable us to monitor and analyze the impact of our operations. This data helps us make strategic decisions for the future. For example, Ameren is investing in the energy grid through modernization and resilience efforts and transitioning to net-zero emissions and a clean energy portfolio by 2050. Closely tracking our environmental performance will help ensure we make timely progress toward each milestone of this goal. Similarly, analyzing our performance in areas like diversity, equity and inclusion, safety and community investment holds us accountable to continue to do what’s right for our employees and communities.

Our ESG Performance Data At-a-Glance

Here are some examples of the type of data we use to evaluate that Ameren is making progress on our goals and being a good corporate citizen to our customers, communities and co-workers.

31% reduction in carbon (CO2) emissions since 2005 * 

54% reduction in nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions since 2005 *

13% improvement in energy reliability for customers1  

20%+ below the Midwest average for customer rates, keeping energy affordable2

24% reduction in lost workday away from 2013 to 2020

More than $11 million donated to nonprofits in our communities in 2020 

More than $23 million in COVID-19 relief funds donated to customers and nonprofits3

Approximately $810 million spent with diverse suppliers in 2020

25% of our workforce and 23% of senior leadership are female3

15% of our workforce and 21% of senior leadership represent race/ethnic diversity3

* Based on average of past three years (2018-2020).

1As measured by the System Average Interruption Frequency Index (SAIFI). Represents the average of Ameren Illinois and Ameren Missouri.

2Average residential electric prices as provided by Edison Electric Institute, “Typical Bills and Average Rates Report” for the 12 months ended June 30,2020.

3Data as of December 31, 2020

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